Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Replaced some vacuum hoses today.

I ordered some 3 and 5mm silicon vacuum hoses the other day and they arrived this morning. Here are some pictures of the hoses I've replaced so far. There are also a couple that are out of view and fiddly to get to so I didn't get pictures of them. The hose that goes from the intake manifold to the fuel pressure regulator had seen better days so was in need of replacing. The others didn't look so bad, but they were the old fabric covered type so replaced them just to be sure.

There's also a hose that attaches to the top of the intake manifold that had split around the jubilee clip so I trimmed this back to get a good seal
As a precaution, I decided to wrap the air intake pipe in Duct tape, to rule out any risk of there being any splits in the corrugated parts of the pipe, which are awkward to detect. Looks rough, but it's only a temporary measure until I've got to the bottom of the slight hesitation.
I was hoping the new fuel filter and fuel pressure regulator would arrive today but it seems like Christmas is slowing things down a bit with Royal Mail!

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